Lifting and OpenShifting

  • Tracy Di Marco White, Goldman Sachs
  • Daria Phoebe Brashear, AuriStor, Inc.
  • Gerry Seidman, AuriStor, Inc.

Goldman Sachs is working to migrate from a bare metal and virtual host infrastructure toward one that leverages containers. That current infrastructure makes use of a software deployment strategy using AuriStorFS as the last mile distribution mechanism. Goldman Sachs’ work with OpenShift for this triggered AuriStor to develop a solution to seamlessly provide access to AuriStorFS delivered software from within the containers. We will discuss Goldman Sachs’ current progress, details of the implementation, AuriStor’s work to provide AuriStorFS to containers, and we will offer an overview of the technology provided by OpenShift to implement this solution.