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June 1-5, 2009

Stanford University

Thursday 4 June 2:30pm

Location: Old Union - Clubhouse

Speakers: Jeffrey Altman, Asanka Herath, Daniel Kouřil

Title: An Introduction to Network Identity Manager version 2


Network Identity Manager version 1 is an end-user credential manager that automates the acquisition, renewal and management of Kerberos tickets, AFS tokens, KCA X.509 client certificates, X.509 Proxy certificates with the restriction that the initial authentication identity is a Kerberos v5 principal.  Network Identity Manager has been adopted by many organizations as the principal user interface for end-user network credential manager on Microsoft Windows platforms.

This talk will unveil the upcoming Network Identity Manager version 2 release which not only improves upon its usability and visual appearance but also adds significant new functionality.   Whereas version 1 was tied specifically to Kerberos v5 identities due to the restriction of a single identity provider, version 2 now supports the simultaneous use of multiple identity providers; including identity providers that manage identity providers.

During this talk we will demo:


PowerPoint (Altman & Herath)

PDF (Altman & Herath)

PowerPoint (Kouril)