Tutorials and Workshop take place in
at University of Michigan.
Friday 16 June
Speaker |
Title |
Tom Keiser, Sine Nomine Associates |
fast start-stop / demand attach fileserver |
This talk will cover a new set of OpenAFS fileserver extensions that were
commissioned by a client of SNA. This talk will cover the major changes
resulting from this work:
- modifications to the volume package to support:
- lock-less I/O
- demand attachment of volumes
- parallel shutdown of the fileserver
- online salvaging of volumes
- automatic detachment of inactive volumes
- creation of a salvageserver daemon
- modifications to bos and bosserver
- creation of a mechanism for saving/restoring fileserver state:
- host package state
- callback package state
- changes to the fileserver installation process
- changes to fileserver administrative procedures
- new debugging/introspection utilities