OpenAFS as Persistent Storage inside Kubernetes using Container Storage Interface plugin for OpenAFS

Storage is required by containers and pods for a variety of purposes, from caching data to building stateful applications. Shared filesystems can be easily used as a persistent storage within container, as it will be available on all the nodes in a cluster. So, when PODs get scheduled/moved on different nodes due to failover/replication etc., persistent storage would be available on that node too. OpenAFS is a shared filesystem and has multiple benefits like location independence, Scalability, Security, uniform namespace, replication etc., which makes it a good candidate for Persistent Storage inside container. Certain ML/DL workloads inside container read large data sets/models repeatedly and for such cases OpenAFS client caching makes these operations faster. “Container Storage Interface” (CSI) was developed as a standard for exposing arbitrary block and file storage systems to containerized workloads on Container Orchestration Systems (COs) like Kubernetes.


  • Yadavendra Yadav, IBM
  • Todd DeSantis, IBM
