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AFS & Kerberos
Best Practices Workshop 2007

In conjuntion with the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

An Introduction to AFS and it's Best Practices

May 7, 2007 from 9 am to 5pm.

Speakers: Alf Wachsmann, SLAC and Esther Filderman

Tutorials take place in Building 48 (Research and Office Building) Redwood Rooms A-D at SLAC.

Now that AFS has become available through an open source license, it is available to sites and IT groups of all sizes. Although the use of AFS is simple, setting up your own AFS servers can be a rather daunting task.

Our goal is to give you the knowledge and tools you need to be able to get going with your own AFS cell, or to improve upon the cell you've already started working with. We will provide as many examples as possible, but this is NOT a hands on class.

Topics include:

The day will be 4 90 minute sessions with breaks in the morning and afternoon, plus a mid-day break for lunch [on your own].