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AFS & Kerberos Best Practices Workshop
Ann Arbor, Michigan
June 12-16, 2006
List of Participants Agenda


Tutorials and Workshop take place in at University of Michigan.

Thursday 15 June

Speaker Title
Jarod Malestein & Willie Northway, University of Michigan Accessing AFS through the web
At the University of Michigan, we use the open source Apache module mod _waklog to deploy two web-based interfaces to AFS: WebDAV and FileDrawers. Filed rawers is a locally written web-based file manager which employs DOM-scripting to enhance the user interface.

We explain how mod_waklog acquires AFS tokens for an authenticated user, and the critical points in the apache request/response loop in which it acts. We also compare the features and functionality of mod_waklog with other solutions such as

At the end of this presentation, participants will have an understanding of how mod_waklog works, the authentication infrastructure it relies on, and how to provide web-based interfaces to AFS.



University of Michigan