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AFS & Kerberos
Best Practices Workshop 2006

In conjuntion with the University
of Michigan

An Introduction to Kerberos and it's Best Practices

Speaker: Ken Hornstein, Naval Research Labs

June 13, 2006 from 9am to 5pm

-------- Slides are available - Userid: afsworkshop Password: kerberos --------

With its adoption by diverse vendors such as Microsoft, Sun, and Apple, Kerberos has become the de-facto standard for enterprise authentication.

Sadly, the documentation for Kerberos has never been its strong point. Many administrators find the lack of "big picture" documentation a hinderance to the use of Kerberos, and how it interacts with AFS has always been an endless source of confusion.

The goal of this tutorial is to de-mystify Kerberos, and explain its role within AFS. While this will not be a hands-on tutorial, participants are encouraged to ask specific questions related to issues they have with Kerberos at their site. Topics will include:

Participants who ask questions about gsslog will be pelted with overripe fruit.

The day will be 4 90 minute sessions with breaks in the morning and afternoon, plus a mid-day break for lunch [which will be provided].

Current Attendees are:

  1. Richard Alexander, CSCS
  2. Russ Allbery, Stanford University
  3. Brian Awood, UMich
  4. Andrew Bacchi, RPI
  5. Peter Bircher, ETHZ
  6. Adam Bisaro, UMich
  7. David Boldt, USGS
  8. Giovanni Bracco, ENEA
  9. Richard Brittain, Dartmouth University
  10. Mark Cross, Duke University
  11. Pietro D'Angelo, ENEA
  12. Brian Davidson, George Mason University
  13. Steve Devine, MSU
  14. Tracy Di Marco White, Iowa State University
  15. Michael Dopheide, NCSA
  16. Jay Elvove, University of Maryland
  17. John Ferrell, Qualcomm
  18. Jane Florez
  19. Chris Fruewirth, University of Notre Dame
  20. Michael Garrison, UMich
  21. Heather Goldsby, Michigan State University
  22. Asanka Herath
  23. Nick Hinkle-Degroot, UMich
  24. Eric Holp, Michigan State University
  25. Adrian Jones
  26. Bob Kaneshige
  27. Digant Kasundra, Stanford University
  28. Ubaidul Khan, GMU
  29. Robert King, UMich
  30. Daniel Kouril
  31. Tom Kula, Iowa State University
  32. Jay Kusler, MSU
  33. Andrew Lang, Kansas University
  34. Gail Lift, UMich
  35. Will Maier, University of Wisconson
  36. Terry Maluk, USGS
  37. Sean O'Malley, Michigan State University
  38. Robert Petkus, BNL
  39. Michael Polek
  40. Jeff Quinn, Michigan State University
  41. Martin Sager, UMich
  42. Charles Stuart, UMich
  43. Serge Torres
  44. Neil Tweedy, University of Michigan
  45. Peter van der Reest, DESY
  46. Joseph Vilas
  47. Kevin Walsh
  48. Kris Webb, Teradactyl
  49. Jason White
  50. Tony Winkler, UMich