Kris Webb, Teradactyl -- Considerations when Choosing a Backup System
The Andrew File System has a proven track record as a
scalable and secure ne twork file system. Organizations everywhere
depend on AFS for the sharing of data bo th internally and externally.
The most telling sign of the longevity of AFS is the a doption of the
open source version of the software (OpenAFS). One of the important
challenges facing AFS system administrators is the need to provide
efficient, cost-effective backup strategies that can scale with ever
increasing cell sizes. This paper provides an overview of the issues
to consider when putting together a long term back up and recovery
strategy. The topics include: Methods available for data backup and
recovery; Impact of the backup function on cell performance and scale;
Volume managem ent; Centralized vs. distributed backups; Disk-to-Tape,
Disk-to-Disk-to-Tape, and Dis k-to-Disk comparisons; Disaster Recovery
requirements; Advanced Solutions; The reade r should have a basic
understanding of backup and recovery concepts and familiarity with AFS
architecture and cell administration.
Slides: AFS Backup Considerations